Sunday, July 31, 2011

We (Legos), set controls for the heart of the sun...

this video to a 2007 release appeared online this week courtesy of a fan, and has been gaining some attention...mainly because of the use of Legos, less because of Pink Floyd references...

how can you doubt a video that opens with a gong?

there's nothing cheesy, I mean, trippy, I mean, tripcheese about this?!?!

from the folks @ EMI

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Traveling at the speed of sound, one can certainly get around!

Seems like these bands put the "evolution" in Revolution.

(and p.s. the Revolution will NOT be VEVO-ized)

The electric feel, of all:

Phoenix, with their take:

Empire of the Sun:

and now...

Foster the People:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You know that song?

I don't always understand the "triggers" for these musical memories, but I am a man with a tendency to bust out in song (real and/or fake) at any time. Many times, it's a song I have stored somewhere in the odd structure of my brain that keeps them, and throws out the important more immediate facts I may need...

Sometimes it's a song I haven't actually heard in YEARS.

Maybe it's one who's title I may not quite know, and perhaps an artist I haven't yet obsessed about?

Like this song.

Dream Academy's "Life in a Northern Town"

I couldn't tell you the last time I heard it, nor will I share the details of the silly process I took 'round the "google" to find it...

But, now you have it. Enjoy.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Born at the Right Time...

...more Paul..

"Too many people on the bus from the airport
Too many holes in the crust of the earth
The planet groans
Every time it registers another birth

But among the reeds and rushes
A baby girl was found
Her eyes as clear as centuries
Her silky hair was strawberry blonde!"